Sunday, April 24, 2011

This is my story. Can I be emncipated?

I know it's long, but it's very important to read the whole thing, please.

I live in a 3 bedroom trailer that is owned by my grandmother. These are the living conditions.
  • There are 8 people in this trailer.
  • My father and my uncle both have drugs in the house.
  • My Uncle is drunk almost everyday.
  • 1st bedroom: My uncle and his two children. (Dennis, Kodi, Keifer)
  • 2nd bedroom: My father and my two brothers. (Curtis Jr., Curtis 3rd, Patrick)
  • 3rd bedroom: My grandmother.

Where does that leave me? Well I don't have a bedroom. I am a sixteen year old girl who sleeps out in the living room. There are no curtains on the windows, so anybody can see me. I begged my grandmother to lock the doors, and it took somebody to rob us before she would start, putting me and others in danger. I keep my clothes in 3 drawers in my grandmothers bedroom. I shouldn't have to sleep in the living room. With my uncle getting drunk almost at least 5 days out of the week, he keeps me up on school nights stumbling around the house. I have to get up at 5:30 a.m. to get ready for school so that we can leave by 6:10 a.m. and that's hard on me when I only get 4-5 hours of sleep each night. My Uncle and my father have pot in the house everyday. My dad doesn't drink enough to get drunk, but he is always getting high, and would rather spend money on weed rather than his children. He hasn't had a job in more than a year, so he really doesn't even have the money to take care of us at all. He relys on his mother, My grandmother, to take care of us by supplying him with money each day. The money he gets from her is spent on gas to get somewhere so he can spend the rest on weed. We hardly ever have milk in the house, and if we have food in the house, it's leftovers with mold on it. I'm not saying we don't have food that's not moldy, because we do, but it's not sanitary to keep it around molded and nasty foods. My nerves in this "home" are always shot. I can't handle being here anymore. I could go over to my mothers to live, but I would still be in the living room, there would still be eight people in the house, and there's less food there than there is here, but it is cleaner. It's an option that I'm not too happy with.

So those are the living conditions and my one other option besides emancipation. Here's a little bit of stuff you may need to know about me.
  • I have owned and paid my own car payments of $250 and $55 in insurance each month
  • I also paid, and still pay $40 a month for my cell phone.
  • I have finished paying for a mini van for $900 and I'm in the process of fixing it.
  • I held my first job for 2 years and 7 months, quit due to personal issues and found another in 3 months during winter.
  • I'm 16 years old, will be 17 on June 21st.
  • Have a safe place to go if emancipated that's clean, drug free, religious, and well stocked in food that doesn't have mold on it.
I am capable of taking care of myself because I consider myself to be highly independent considering that I paid for all of those things working only on weekends getting $7.50 an hour. That's barely above minimum wage. With everything that I have to do, I still manage to get my homework done to keep good grades in school, handle a job, and study the Bible. Studying the Bible may not be that important to you, but it plays a huge roll in my life. I'm a hard worker and I will do anything that's needed to become emancipated.

But here's the problem...
My parents do NOT agree with me trying to get emancipated.
So with all of this said, what do you think my chances are of getting emancipated. Show in a ratio of percent of getting emancipated to not getting emancipated.
ex: 50% to 50%


  1. I think your chances might be very slim if your parents don't agree to it. You would have to convince a judge as to why you think that you should be emancipated and you will have to give him a good enough reason to allow you your request.

  2. Thanks Rose. hope the judge can see it from point of view. I'm not looking to be emancipated because I'm a selfish teenager, I just really need to get out of there. But thanks for your honesty. Spread my story... I want as many opinions on this as I can get before I file.
